Total found: 1245 records |
Burian A., Gruber-Dorninger M.,
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Chmolowska D., Nobis M., Rożej-Pabijan E., Grześ I.M., Radzikowski P., Okrutniak M., Celary W., Sternalski J.,
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Daebeler A., Güell-Bujons Q., Mooshammer M., Zechmeister T. , Herbold C.W., Richter A., Wagner M., Daims H. (2023) Rapid nitrification involving comammox and canonical Nitrospira at extreme pH in saline-alkaline lakes Environmental Microbiology
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Ernst D., Kolenčík M., Šebesta M., Ďurišová L’., Ďúranová H., Kšiňan S., Illa R.,
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DOI: 10.3390/plants12091789 |
Eroldoğan O.T., Glencross B., Novoveská L., Gaudêncio S.P., Rinkevich B., Varese G.C., de Fátima Carvalho, M., Tasdemir D.,
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Feng Lichao, Du Z., Zhang S., Zhang S., Meng Q.,
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