Celkem nalezeno: 126 záznamů |
Chroňáková A., Ascher J.,
Jirout J., Ceccherini M.,
Elhottová D., Pietramellara G.,
Šimek M. (2013) Cattle impact on composition of archaeal, bacterial, and fungal communities by comparative fingerprinting of total and extracellular DNA Biology and Fertility of Soils
49: 351-361.
Janatková K., Řeháková K., Doležal J.,
Šimek M., Chlumská Z., Dvorský M., Kopecký M. (2013) Community structure of soil phototrophs along environmental gradients in arid Himalaya Environmental Microbiology
15: 2505-2516.
Jirout J.,
Šimek M.,
Elhottová D. (2013) Fungal contribution to nitrous oxide emissions from cattle impacted soils Chemosphere
90: 565-572.
DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2012.08.031
Sahu J.,
Šimek M. (2013) Effect of UV-C on thylakoid arrangement, pigment content and nitrogenase activity in the cyanobacterium Microchaete sp Indian Journal of Experimental Biology
51: 388-392.
Bradley R.,
Chroňáková A.,
Elhottová D.,
Šimek M. (2012) Interactions between land-use history and earthworms control gross rates of soil methane production in an overwintering pasture Soil Biology and Biochemistry
53: 64-71.
DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2012.04.025
Elhottová D.,
Koubová A.,
Šimek M., Cajthaml T.,
Jirout J., Esperschuetz J., Schloter M., Gattinger A. (2012) Changes in soil microbial communities as affected by intensive cattle husbandry Applied Soil Ecology
58: 56-65.
DOI: 10.1016/j.apsoil.2012.03.009
Elster J., Kvíderová J., Hájek T., Láska K.,
Šimek M. (2012) Impact of warming on Nostoc colonies (Cyanobacteria) in a wet hummock meadow, Spitsbergen Polish Polar Research
33: 395-420.
Hynšt J.,
Šimek M. (2012) Short-term effects of ammonium nitrogen in upland pasture soil affected or not affected by cattle Biology and Fertility of Soils
48: 43-49.
DOI: 10.1007/s00374-011-0600-2
Koubová A., Goberna M.,
Šimek M.,
Chroňáková A.,
Pižl V., Insam H.,
Elhottová D. (2012) Effects of the earthworm Eisenia andrei on methanogens in a cattle-impacted soil: A microcosm study European Journal of Soil Biology
48: 32-40.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ejsobi.2011.09.007
Čuhel J.,
Šimek M. (2011) Effect of pH on the denitrifying enzyme activity in pasture soils in relation to the intrinsic differences in denitrifier communities Folia Microbiologica
56: 230-235.
DOI: 10.1007/s12223-011-0045-x
Čuhel J.,
Šimek M. (2011) Proximal and distal control by pH of denitrification rate in a pasture soil Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment
141: 230-233.
DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2011.02.016
Jirout J.,
Šimek M.,
Elhottová D. (2011) Inputs of nitrogen and organic matter govern the composition of fungal communities in soil disturbed by overwintering cattle Soil Biology and Biochemistry
43: 647-656.
DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2010.12.001
Kvíderová J., Elster J.,
Šimek M. (2011) In situ response of Nostoc commune s.l. colonies to desiccation in Central Svalbard, Norwegian High Arctic Fottea
11: 87-97.
Šimek M., Virtanen S.,
Krištůfek V., Simojoki A., Yli-Halla M. (2011) Evidence of rich microbial communities in the subsoil of a boreal acid sulphate soil conducive to greenhouse gas emissions Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment
140: 113-122.
DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2010.11.018
Andresen E., Lohscheider J., Šetlíková E., Adamska I.,
Šimek M., Küpper H. (2010) Acclimation of Trichodesmium erythraeum ISM101 to high and low irradiance analysed on the physiological, biophysical and biochemical level New Phytologist
185: 173-188.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2009.03068.x
Ascher J., Ceccherini M.,
Chroňáková A.,
Jirout J., Borgogni F.,
Elhottová D.,
Šimek M., Pietramellara G. (2010) Evaluation of the denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis-apparatus as a parameter influencing soil microbial community fingerprinting World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
26: 1721-1726.
DOI: 10.1007/s11274-010-0349-z
Čuhel J.,
Šimek M., Laughlin R., Bru D., Cheneby D., Watson C., Philippot L. (2010) Insights into the effect of soil pH on N2O and N2 emissions and denitrifier community size and activity Applied and Environmental Microbiology
76: 1870-1878.
DOI: 10.1128/AEM.02484-09
Hrčková K.,
Šimek M., Hroužek P.,
Lukešová A. (2010) Biological Dinitrogen Fixation by Selected Soil Cyanobacteria as Affected by Strain Origin, Morphotype, and Light Conditions Folia Microbiologica
55: 467-473.
DOI: 10.1007/s12223-010-0078-6
Jirout J., Tříska J., Růžičková K., Vrchotová N.,
Šimek M.,
Elhottová D. (2010) The comparison of chromatographic methods for Ergosterol determination and their application in analysis of upland pasture soil [Porovnání chromatografických metod pro stanovení ergosterolu a jejich využití při analýze půdy podhorské pastviny] Chemicke Listy
104: 1053-1059.
Šimek M.,
Brůček P.,
Hynšt J. (2010) Diurnal fluxes of CO2 and N2O from cattle-impacted soil and implications for emission estimates Plant, Soil and Environment
56: 451-457.